Friday, November 18, 2011


Today I've been overwhelmed how thankful I am to be these two beautiful children's mom.....

Some of the things I love most....
Kate always wanting to read stories with me, Michael loving me to come and help in his school class, Both kids loving to play games with me, Taking the afternoon off from homework and taking them to the movies, having them help me mop the floor, the continuous questions and curiosity, the snuggles and loves they always give me.  I love being their mom!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Adoption Month

I feel bad that November is half-way over and I'm just finding time now to write about Adoption.  November is busy around here with birthdays and family get-togethers.  It does seem like the appropriate time to write how thankful I am for adoption.  When Jeremy and I first learned we would have problems having biological children we immediately began looking into adoption.  We knew we wanted to be parents and that if our physical bodies couldn't get them to us that our Father in Heaven knew that and would get them to us in another way.  We truly believe that Michael and Kate were meant to be part of our family.  We're so grateful for the journey and the experiences we've had bringing them into our family.  As we are trying to patiently wait for baby number three to find his/her way to us we know that it will happen when it's supposed to.  As hard as it is to wait!!   Happy Adoption month everyone!!