Thursday, July 17, 2014

Finally a new family picture!
I love this one of my three little cuties!!!

Trying to catch up a little bit!!  For spring break this year we headed to California to Disneyland! We had a great time.  We spent the first day at the beach and then five days at Disneyland.  We could have stayed a lot longer but we had tons of fun! 

One of my favorite things of this trip:  one morning we were waiting by Toon Town when it was about to open.  Minnie Mouse came out and grabbed my kids hands and took us to her house showed us around and be the first ones to go through her house that day.  It was so fun.  She kept giving Emily kisses (wish I had a picture!) and Emily keeps telling us ever since, "Minnie gives me lots of kisses!"  It was such a fun trip.  We can't wait to go back!